Our Final Permablitz

With much better weather than last week, we gathered for our final Permablitz of Phase 2. Here is what we accomplished:
(Please excuse the uneven quality of the photos — some were taken with an aging camera phone under an overcast sky, and some were taken with a real camera the next day).

Finishing the Sheet Mulch Bed

We had a LOT of soil and mulch delivered!
This mulch is undyed shredded cedar.

Paths were marked out with mulch

Soil was spread thickly over the non-path areas

Our oddly-shaped keyhole paths allow arm's-reach
access to every part of the garden.


Planting the Dwarf Fruit Trees


We dug two-foot-deep holes and buried our
young trees to just above the little knobby
knuckle that would send up suckers
if left exposed.

We left the level of the soil a little below the
level of the surrounding lawn so that water
will collect around these very thirsty trees.

We gave each tree a donut-shaped collar of
mulch to further collect rain.

Each tree got a full watering can full of
water for its first drink. The next day they got
a rain storm!


Adding a mulch path to the social area of the yard


View from the street. Families in the neighbourhood use this
as a park space, and we don't want to discourage that—
but we do want to encourage most foot traffic to stay in the
non-garden area of the yard.

The path offers a visual suggestion for visitors to follow
its curve — much nicer than a sign or a fence forbidding
entry. We do want people to look and wonder and learn —
we just hope they will do their running around on the grass!

What's Next?

We are planning a final wrap-up day with Permaculture GTA, though our relationship with them will continue with workshops and possible future projects through the years.

On our own, we will be planting in all our new soil areas, finishing repairs on the raised beds, putting up signage, and doing plenty of weeding and watering.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us to reach this stage. Folks, we have a garden!
