Spilling the Tea About Compost Tea!

 [Sip, sip, sip.] We love the tea, well not this one. But our plants sure do love it! 

Compost tea is basically brewing compost material to give you the beneficial microbes and nutrients to boost your soil in a liquid format. This is said to be a more concentrated method of treating your plants, as the nutrients can be more conveniently and easily absorbed. It improves the water retention capacity of soil. Compost tea like regular compost improves soil health and stimulates plant root growth.

Note: We dilute the compost tea by adding water, preferable rainwater (that we collect from our rain barrels), into our watering cans before adding it to the soil around the root of the plants.

Garden@Kimbourne sources its compost tea from Crooked Farmz, a small urban microfarm that produces composts and vermicomposts; and of which they use to brew fresh actively-aerobic compost teas.


