Straw Mulching

Garden@Kimbourne has been practicing straw mulching to cover the soil as a way to keep it healthy and prevent it from degrading. Mulching refers to layering the soil with materials such as straw or even bark or shredded leaves.

Why do we use the straw mulching technique?

  • Keeps soil moist

  • By covering the soil, the straw acts as a shade and thus prevents it from drying out. Ultimately, reducing the number of times you have to constantly water your plants.

  • Put yourself in the soil’s perspective, when you sit underneath a tree during the hot summer’s weather don’t you feel much better than when you are out and about in the sun!

  • Reduces weeds

  • The sunlight is blocked by straw, which inhibits the majority of weeds from sprouting and growing.

  • Don’t go full swing on this, though. It works both ways. Just as much as it prevents weeds, it can also prevent your seedlings. 

  • Reduces pests & diseases

  • Straw helps to keep the soil down, so when you water your plants it prevents the soil (or in this case mud) from splashing up on the plant.

  • Increase Nutrients

  • Like any other organic substance, straw will eventually break down, but much more slowly. Straw provides nutrients as it turns into compost, benefiting the plants that are growing there.

  • Reduce soil erosion

  • Straw helps to prevent the soil from being worn away and moved by wind or water.

  • Builds soil mass 

  • As the straw decomposes, it is becoming part of the soil and continues to add to it.

Sidenote: Occasionally, straws may sometimes contain a few seeds.
