Erin's Garden Journal Jul 13–20

Wednesday July 20, 2016
Repaired downspout
Dug dog strangling vine
ALL the roots!
Built stake-and-twine cages around floppy plants
Sprayed all cucurbit and melons with 60 % water, 40% milk mixture to discourage powdery mildew (could not find neem oil at garden centre or Home Depot)

Sunday July 17, 2016
Today was Kimbourne Park United Church's second monthly community breakfast. Our contribution was a bag full of edible borage blossoms, which were used to garnish the fruit salads.

Before and during the breakfast, I stayed in the garden to give tours to any interested visitors. Throughout the morning I met twelve adults, three kids, and one dog.

I want to get neem oil to prevent powdery mildew on the squash this year—I saw some starting to affect wild plantain plants in the neighbourhood. Last year we had a bad powdery mildew problem with the squash

We should get some kid-sized watering cans so that they can help

Pat replaced Side 2 of the rotting raised bed
Built stake-and-twine barriers around the hugel mound so vines can climb them instead of flopping onto the grass

Edible flower mix
Swiss Chard
Yellow wax beans

Harvest for food bank:
700 g Turnips
100 g herbs
25 g lettuce

Harvest for volunteers:
300 g Turnips

Friday July 15, 2016
Harvested our first cucumber!

Wednesday July 13, 2016
Assemble drawer unit to organize tools in shed
Add dry leaves to worm composter
Check fruit trees and kale for aphids (all clean)
Check cauliflower for cabbage worms (also clean)
Chop & Drop clover
Train vines around trellises
